Monday, February 6, 2012

Getting Excited

I’m getting pretty excited about the direction of where things are going in class and for my portfolio. It feels like I can finally call myself a game designer. I think with the layout blocking in UDK for “Wrath” and continued building on “Faeries”, my board game, that I finally have some solid stuff to show employers.

I had a blast game testing “Faeries”. What a treat to have so many people play and enjoy my game with great feedback. Maybe I can shop it??

I’d love to continue to develop “A.I.A.” someday. It’s funny how projects that I worked on years ago begin to surface and still make me excited about the process of designing and creating a fun experience for all who play.

I have a ton of work to do, but it will be worth it.

When I got home tonight after class I tore apart my apartment for pieces that I could use for the diorama. I cannibalized my Indiana Jones Monopoly, Risk, Faeries, Creative Memory poster board, markers and other odds and ends to create this diorama for Quadrant One of Wrath. I’ll post pictures up tomorrow.  I also worked on the Flow Chart, which I’ll post tomorrow as well. I need to redraw it in Photoshop so it will be cleaner.  All of this stuff, I will include in my A.I.A. Design Book.

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