Friday, February 10, 2012

Priority of Game Mechanics for A.I.A.--Wrath Level

As I'm moving forward and trying to get a handle on kismet, I realize that I need to prioritize the game mechanics that I previously listed out so I can make sure that within the time frame that I have to finish this demo, I can finish with a solid, enjoyable game with workable, interesting game mechanics.
So, here's my list so far.
  1. Enemy Spawns--fix the bug, get them to shoot at player and pepper them around the level.
  2. Floor Sensors--I've gotten them to push into the floor when the player steps on them, rise back off when the player steps off and make a nice sound as this happens. Now I need to make sure that they are all connected so that when the player moves the large crates on to them that they will unlock the middle door.
  3. Push/Pull of Crate--in order to get the floor sensors puzzle to work, I need to make sure I can get the player to push/pull the large crates around the room and on to the floor sensors.
  4. Levers--there are two levers in the level where the player must be able to flip the lever in order to open the door to Q2 and to the Boss Room. (Done--I had to keep them in the same room and in a close vicinity to the trigger. For some reason it wouldn't work in another room, so I had to make a few changes but I was able to make a button work in Q1 that I hid behind two movable crates. Once you move the crates and touch the button, the door will open. I'm still looking to figure it out. I'm sure it will work but I'm sure it's a bit more sophistocated then what I know right now)
  5. Enemy drops--enemies need to drop ammo, health and fuses
  6. Ammo pickups--easy, already made health pick ups. Just need to do this with ammo. (Done)
  7. Q3 Puzzle--need to figure that out. (Done. I have 5 spheres that the player will need to figure out how to get access to in order to get what's inside--like health or another level to open a gate. There are several statues in the Q3 that the player must find and touch. When you touch the 5 correct ones, the sphere associated with that statue will rise and the player will have access.  The wrong statue will just show a text prompt. I still have to learn how to have the key work for opening the door.)
  8. Beef the boss up--I need to make sure that the stats on the boss is harder than all of the other enemies so it's a more difficult fight.
  9. Lighting--need to set the mood (I have an inital pass on the lighting done)
  10. Door lights/alarms--Red/Green lights on the locked doors, alarm before the enemies spawn during the Circuit Box puzzle in Q2.
  11. Enemy Swarms--for Q2, I need to trigger enemies to spawn with an audio alarm that will happen after the player touches the circuit box. Whether it's the first time they touch it to activate the puzzle spawn or after they put the fuses in the box.
  12. Circuit box--goes hand in hand with #11. The enemies will drop a fuse during 4 waves of attack and the player must put the fuses into the circuit box and once all four have been put back in, the door to Q3 will open. This might be a challenge.
I think, since I'm working on this alone and within a short time frame (only about 4 weeks left) I'm hoping to at least have a solid layout and core mechanics created within UDK so show that I have some experience with the engine. Of course I will continue to work on my UDK skills afterwards.

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